
Every person attending an Chanesman Global CPD event must register in advance as a participant for a seat.

In order to secure a seat, your registration should ideally be received three (3) working days prior to an event. If inside three (3) days please contact Chanesman Global prior to registration, we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Bookings are made on a ‘per seat’ basis.

Seats at each event are limited and allocated on a ‘first-paid’ basis.

On completion of the registration process, Chanesman Global will confirm details of your seat and send you electronic confirmation to the e-mail address attached to your registration.

Registrations are deemed to have been made by an approved company representative for another person at the  same company.

Chanesman Global reserves the right to refuse the registration of a person/s.

By registering and logging-on an online event the participant acknowledges the session will be recorded, and further agrees that:

Personally identifiable information of participants may be heard, seen, read, collected, or used by Chanesman Global as the organiser and other online event participants, and that;

Any communication or information transmitted during the online event, such as voice, instant messages or presentations are available to and may be recorded and further used by Chanesman Global as the organiser.

Completion of registration is also acceptance of any and all terms and conditions contained on this website

NB: Attendee numbers are limited for a OMARA workshop